
Get the “Edge” and stay ahead in the age of Industry 4.0



The manufacturing industry is at the cusp of the next big change, the Age of Connected Manufacturing. Connected Manufacturing is fueled by the Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) and is the interconnection of equipment, devices, people, products, and processes. Everything from shopfloor to storehouse can communicate with everything else in this setup. And here is where edge and enterprise analytics play a game-changing role.
Analytics can play a significant role at the edge of all these devices.

At Apptad, we help manufacturing companies use edge analytics to meet their goals of increased operational efficiency, higher quality, and lower cost while simultaneously providing more services in a very agile way.

Key Offerings

IoT Analytics

  • Run and operationalize sophisticated analytics on massive volumes of IoT data emanating from the sensors in your plants. Get insights to make better and more accurate decisions.

Predictive Maintenance

  • Monitor equipment health in real time and predict failures. Discover insights needed to avoid machine failures and unplanned downtime, increase productivity, and reduce maintenance costs.

Edge Analytics

  • Perform data analysis at non-central components of the manufacturing system like sensors, switches and connected devices. Gain insights closer to the devices where the data is gathered.

+(800) 398 0450


1920 Association Drive, Suit  500, Reston VA 20191, United State